Sometimes it’s nice to display a PDF embedded on a page without forcing the visitor to download it. Using the Google Docs PDF viewer, we can easily do that with a shortcode and this snippet of code.
function alienship_display_pdf($attr, $url) { extract(shortcode_atts(array( 'width' => '800px', 'height' => '600px' ), $attr)); return '<iframe src="' . $url . '&embedded=true" style="width:' .$width. '; height:' .$height. ';">Your browser does not support iframes</iframe>'; } add_shortcode('pdf', 'alienship_display_pdf');
To display the PDF, insert the shortcode in your page or post using the following syntax:
[pdf width="550px" height="420px"][/pdf]
If you do not specify a width and height, the default size will be 800×600 pixels using the code above.