Don’t call a welder to fix the toilet

When I have plumbing problems at home, I do what most sane people do. I call a plumber. And you know what, he does a really good job. Why? Because that’s his specialty. He has years of experience. He’s an expert. I don’t call a welder, and I suspect you don’t either.

Don't call a welder to fix your plumbing. Photo by Seth Anderson.

Please do not ask welder in back about plumbing. He does not know anything about plumbing. Photo by Seth Anderson.

So, why is the newspaper industry calling on journalists to do photography and videography? Journalists are writers. Writing is their true love. It’s in their blood. Writing takes time. Good writing takes even more time. Continue reading

Pick your battles

We all like to get our way. That’s pretty obvious, right? Who doesn’t want to get their way pretty much all the time?

Here’s the thing, every time we insist on getting our way, we create friction. Sometimes this friction is necessary, and the battle is worth fighting. But sometimes it’s just not worth it. Even when we’re right. Especially when the others in the relationship lack the capacity to gracefully accept their loss.

Some battles are too small and not worth the collateral damage. Keep your mind on the long game. Don’t piss off the whole world around you just so you can win every single battle. Even if you’re convinced you’re right.

Pick your battles wisely.