Base Station Shortcodes

Base Station Shortcodes is a plugin that allows you to use shortcodes to produce and display Zurb Foundation elements on sites using the Base Station theme, sites using child themes based on Base Station, and possibly other themes that bundle the appropriate Foundation CSS and JavaScript libraries.

These shortcodes were previously bundled with the Base Station theme, but have now been moved to a separate plugin so that you can easily switch themes and not lose your shortcode functionality.

See the shortcode documentation to see how to use this plugin.


  • The Base Station theme or
  • A theme or plugin that provides the necessary Foundation CSS and JS libraries

1. Upload the zip file to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.

The plugin includes an automatic updates module. When updates are available you will be notified in the WordPress admin.

Download Base Station Shortcodes

If you need paid support for this plugin, get in touch.

If you find a bug or would like to improve the plugin by adding additional shortcodes, please fork Base Station Shortcodes on Github and submit a pull request.