WPForms is a great form solution for WordPress, and it provides one of the best interfaces for creating and managing forms. But, over the years they’ve littered the interface with pages that upsell their other products, and I think it’s taking away from the user experience.
At the time of this post, they’ve added the following pages to the admin menu: Analytics, SMTP, About Us, and Community. I’m ignoring the Addons page, because it gives you one-click access to install useful addons, and I have a lifetime license and find this to be helpful. I imagine it’s a big wall of upsells if you do not have a license already.
Anyway, these things might be useful for some people, but I find them to be distractions that take away from WPForm’s otherwise nice user experience. If you want to remove these extra menus, use the following PHP code snippet:
add_action( 'admin_menu', function() {
remove_submenu_page( 'wpforms-overview', 'wpforms-analytics' );
remove_submenu_page( 'wpforms-overview', 'wpforms-smtp' );
remove_submenu_page( 'wpforms-overview', 'wpforms-about' );
remove_submenu_page( 'wpforms-overview', 'wpforms-community' );
}, 100 );
That’s all there is to it, for now!
Here’s a link to the code in a gist on GitHub.